The World-Famous Clown Motel has been featured in 7 movies, 2 big TV shows, and more than 100 documentaries and YouTube videos.
Most notably, the property was featured in an episode of the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures where Zak Bagan faces his coulrophobia (the clinical term for fear of clowns) while spending the night locked in at the Clown Motel. Some of the paranormal activity that Zak and his crew encountered:
Physical Contact: Everybody feels strange sensations and energies while conducting the EVP Burst session and reports of feeling a tingling sensation in there legs.
EVPs: “Yeah”.
Spirit Box Voices: “Hello”, “It turned on”
Visual Sighting: Zak sees the dark silhouette of a figure.
Moving Object: While in the lobby, the X camera captures and Zak witnesses the hand of the large clown doll move off its leg. The door to the lobby is heard moving and is seen opened.
The World Famous Clown Motel has also been featured in:
The Clown Motel 3: Ways To Hell (Coming Soon)The Clown Motel Short Movie
The Clown Motel Spirit
The Clown Motel 2
Curse of the Clown Motel
Huluween: Return of the Killer Binge
Murder Motel